Saturday 3 December 2016

Who am I, what is that and what am I doing here?

Well, those are really good questions I'll have to try to answer myself first! Maybe I should first of all introduce myself to you! (How unkind from me) My name is Georg, I am 18 years old and live in Germany. I started this autumn to study at university to become a teacher at a grammar school for biology and english. And there we already found one of the main reasons why I started to write exactly those lines. I feel like I could improve my english vocabulary and thought that writing a blog could help me to do that. Alright, that should cover the first question I posed on myself. I think so, at least....
Furthermore, you might have noticed the title of my blog, well, of course you should have, it's written on top, in the middle of the page in an inflated font, who wouldn't notice! Anyway, what you can read is "Georgs Grid". The "Georg" I hopefully don't need to explain anymore, but if you're still wondering, just read the first paragraph again, could contain important info, you know? But then there is also that "Grid" you can read next to it. So, what are your first thoughts when you hear (or should I say read?) that word? What I think first of, is the starting grid for certain motorsport events. And that should already give you a hint what this blog will be about. I'll explain it a bit more detailed later on. But honestly spoken, I'm still not entirely happy with that title. It was only the first possible alliteration, which was connected to the topic motorsport,  coming into my mind. If you have any suggestions for a better one, just share them with me!
Now, after covering those two questions (Yay!) maybe I should explain what all that fuss is about. As already mentioned, I want to share my opinions, thoughts, etc. on motorsport. But not any kind of motorsport, it will be in particular about Formula 1. But why exactly that one, which is told to be "boring" and "a predictable procession" these days?
Racing is something that fascinated me already since I was a little child. I can't even remember when I got in touch with all that circus, I must have been 3 or 4 years old! So it must have been around 2001 and 2002. The only fact I definitely remember is, that I was from the beginning a big Michael Schumacher fan. I even got back then whole Ferrari outfits (one of them should be still right behind me in my wardrobe) with that ominous tobacco brand, which appeared on the Ferrari car and clothes, printed on front of it! Imagine you would dress your kids with something alike these days, I don't even want to imagine how people on the street would look at you.... Anyways, I also got a "Ferrari suit" made as a costume for carnival from my dad, so I could go as Michael Schumacher. That big was my admiration for that legend!
And that's maybe the reason why I'm still following and loving F1 these days. It became a real passion for me, and I try to follow every race I can. Today, I'm a huge Sebastian Vettel fan (Yeah it was hard for me that season) and started to be that after his win in Monza in 2008.
As you can see, I am not a newbie to F1, although I'm still pretty young. Moreover, I hope you understood how passionate I am about that sport. That's pretty much what I would tell people why I love it and don't see why it should be "boring". And now, I really I hope I could answer those 3 questions for you (and also for me) why I am here.
To cut it short: I will write about Formula 1. I want to share my opinions about news and discuss them wtih you (if anybody is going to read this haha!) and share my experiences I made with the sport so far. I'll try to keep myself motivated to write at least one blog post a week. Let's see how that will go. I really hope that I didn't got too much side tracked and wrote too confusing for you. If you've really read to this point thank you so much and I hope you will keep interested in some of the stories I still have! If you don't want to miss them, just subscribe to the blog!

Thank you for reading! Keep racing!

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